The final issue of 1994 includes a focus on our work for British Nuclear Fuels. As well as an article on our geological study into the suitability of a site for a new pressurised water reactor in Sellafield, we look at the options available in creating a tunnel to transfer water from the Irish Sea to a new reactor.

Moving to transport, we look at our involvement in a number of motorway widening projects taking place across the UK, and how our approach is always sensitive to both the engineering and environmental challenges that these projects present.

In Marseille, we look at structural design work for the new county hall for the Departement des Bouchesdu-Rhone, one of the most significant French public buildings of recent years.

Finally, we look at a new arch bridge in the highlands of Scotland, Allt-Ruigh Bridge, which has been designed to blend into its surroundings.

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The Arup Journal 1994 - Issue 4