Pumped hydro energy storage
Pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) is not a new idea but its potential utility is becoming more compelling as countries seek to improve the resilience of their energy networks and maximise their supply and use of renewable energy.

Large-capacity, long-duration energy storage enhances grid resilience when used in combination with intermittent or highly variable generation. Stored energy can be dispatched when needed, improving grid reliability, especially during periods of high demand or during outages. Energy storage also reduces the need for curtailment of renewable energy during periods of high output and low demand.
Arup has assessed, designed and delivered pumped storage hydropower, dams and tunnels throughout the world, working on some of the largest and most complicated schemes. As with any major energy infrastructure project, PHES site selection is a complex task that requires careful consideration of the social and environmental characteristics of an area, as well as the engineering challenges.
A thorough technical understanding of the topography, geology and flood risks is important, but developers also need to appreciate the character and heritage of the landscape while respecting the local ecology and biodiversity, and local community perceptions and aspirations to make each facility as sustainable as it can be. Retrofit assets offer opportunities to use sites that may be already adapted to hydro power and bring additional benefits to the local environment and communities.
The New South Wales (NSW) Government engaged Arup to locate the regions in the state with the best potential for development as pumped hydro storage systems which could act as energy storage systems to increase network stability and make better use of the energy generated by renewable sources.
The final result is a sophisticated ‘pumped hydro roadmap’ to help guide and give developers the confidence to invest in this renewable energy storage technology. The map provides a holistic assessment of the environmental, economic and technical parameters that need to be considered when assessing such developments.
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Energy storage
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