Decommissioning and nuclear waste management

Responsible management and disposal of wastes from our nuclear power generation, medical and research programmes, is central to the sustainability of the industry. We help nuclear site owners with the safe operation of their facilities through the management, maintenance and upgrade of site infrastructure systems including site roads and security systems, potable and process water, on-site power generation, chemical and HV/MV electrical distribution, transport and logistics, warehousing and storage. Our ultimate goal is always the delivery of safe and secure sites and that involves people. Hence, we advise on human factors analysis as well as people and organisation change.
We understand that the management of nuclear waste products is an equally important responsibility. We work with UK clients such as Sellafield Ltd, Nuclear Waste Services and Nuclear Restoration Services, to design storage and disposal facilities that ensure the safe management of nuclear waste. On these complex sites, managing asset conditions and future requirements is vital, and we are involved in shifting strategic focus through masterplanning, to enhance delivery performance while reducing risk.
Clients draw on our tunnelling, siting, geotechnical and civil engineering capabilities to the intergenerational challenge of geological disposal. We have been working on front-end planning, consenting and site evaluation aimed at addressing our nuclear waste legacy safely and sustainably.
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Arup has been a key supplier and enabler to the UK nuclear industry for over 50 years. From supporting new development to working decommissining and nuclear waste, we provide a range of support and services to the nuclear industry.