High speed rail systems and technology integration
The nature and scale of high-speed rail projects creates a unique level of complexity for major infrastructure.

Taking a ‘systems approach’ across the project lifecycle, we support clients with systems integration and systems assurance, to ensure the railway is designed and built to meet its reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety requirements.
We help ensure the vision for any new railway or rail enhancement can be technically achieved to enable safe, reliable and efficient railway operations. As technical advisors, we help clients to undertake a forensic assessment of the entire rail system – from track, power, communications, signalling and control to rolling stock and the full spectrum of technologies available for any rail system. We then work through the entire rail lifecycle to identify and set the systemwide requirements, develop a feasible concept of operations, design tender and procurement requirements, develop systems assurance and integration processes and lead the testing and commissioning phase to bring new services into entry.
In addition, we support our clients’ digitisation programme. From renewable-power technologies to smart infrastructure powered by sensor-technologies and big data, we bring market insight, rail and technological expertise to help make sense of the options available. From here, we can help identify the right investment decision, strategy and implementation plan to generate the greatest whole-life return that’s right for your unique circumstances.
The Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) is a major, multi-billion-pound programme of railway improvements which will bring better journeys to passengers travelling across the Pennines. The upgrades as part of the programme will enhance customer confidence as millions of passengers will benefit from increased capacity and reliability.
Our digital signalling team developed the Rail Signalling Visualisation Tool (RSVT) using survey data, design information and the rail operators’ technical requirements, to build a 3D model of the 70-mile line. By accurately simulating both the system behaviour and the outside world virtually, the tool enabled design engineers, railway owners and operators to visualise how the driver will respond to the proposed railway signalling system, helping them to make crucial decisions around safety and performance and ultimately improving signalling design and operational safety.
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Explore more rail projects:

An ambitious station modernization program for New York’s subway system
MTA Enhanced Station Initiative, United States of America

Managing and supporting the delivery of sustainability services for California’s high-speed rail system
California High-Speed Rail Systemwide Sustainability Program, United States of America

Designing California’s Central Valley high-speed rail stations and establishing a system-wide station kit of parts
California High-Speed Rail Central Valley Stations, United States of America

A new integrated transport hub for Northern Ireland
Belfast Grand Central Station, United Kingdom
High speed and intercity rail
We support governments, asset owners and rail operators across every facet of a scheme’s development. Our approach is to maximise the economic, social and environmental benefits.