In this edition, we look in detail at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge - the longest sea crossing in the world - and how through BLOX our firm has helped reconnect a section of Copenhagen’s harbour with the city through this exciting waterfront mixed-use development.

We also explore how Arup’s total design approach shaped the sustainable design of Jaguar Land Rover’s Engine Manufacturing Centre in Wolverhampton in the UK and take an in-depth look at our multidisciplinary team’s design techniques that facilitated the dramatic renovation of the Seattle Space Needle.

This latest issue details our contribution to the world’s heaviest offshore lift during the de-commissioning of the Brent Delta Platform in the North Sea. You can also read about how the Rawang Bypass in Malaysia ensured minimal environmental impact on a world-renowned heritage site, significantly reducing peak travel time to Kuala Lumpur and how an inventive flood alleviation scheme in Leeds is protecting the UK city.

Finally, discover how sustainability was a critical driver in the innovative design for Amorepacific’s Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. 

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The Arup Journal 2019 - Issue 1