Resilient, energy-efficient infrastructure design
The data centre meets the highest requirements in terms of supply security. The innovative and consistently planned technical infrastructure for secure and economical operation enabled a “quantum leap” in the energy efficiency of data centers in 2012 and, with a PUE (power usage effectiveness) value of < 1.2, is still one of the most efficient data centers in the world today. We designed the data centre hall partitions precast as concrete wall panels with predefined and co-ordinated services penetrations, providing additional security while contributing to the hall’s thermal inertia.
Innovative problem-solving with state-of-the-art tools
Working closely with the client, we developed an innovative concept for a safer, more economical supply, a cooling system that does more than 70% without chillers and a reverse osmosis concept for recycling cooling tower water that makes the use of chemicals almost superfluous and reduces water consumption by 30%.
To validate our own planning variants, we used tools such as CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics) air flow modelling and failure probability simulations to guide the decision-making process together with the client, enabling the development of groundbreaking solutions. Our solutions were developed in the interaction of architecture, building physics and technical building equipment and are characterized by particularly high quality, sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
From "Go for Gold" to "Platinum“
Sustainability has always been a central aspect of our planning. The goal of LEED Gold certification was ultimately exceeded with the world's first platinum certification of a data center. In Germany, the Citibank Data Center was the first building ever to receive LEED certification.
Following the commissioning of the data centre, Arup has remained closely associated as a partner for all subsequent conversion and expansion measures, supporting Citigroup with energy monitoring and operational optimization.