We are a global leader in airport master planning, airport terminal and support facility designs and many other specialist services the industry relies on. The aviation sector is constantly evolving, and we help clients to navigate this change across their infrastructure and estates, design, operations and passenger experiences. We help airport operators to balance demand and global growth with the need to decarbonise, become more energy efficient and address climate change. Clients work with us for our wide range of consulting, design and technical services, as we help them to develop operations and services that are more sustainable, efficient and resilient.
Aiding your airport development
We partner with aviation clients across all forms of airport development:
Arup in aviation
A detailed look at Arup's aviation consulting expertise - from strategic planning, to total airport design, project and programme delivery, to airport operations.
Aviation services
Find out more about our services across the aviation sector:
Our aviation projects
Learn more about our work across the aviation sector.
Aviation consulting experts
To speak to an expert in our global aviation team, contact us today.

Jenny Buckley
Global Aviation Leader
Jenny Buckley is the Global Aviation Leader and Americas Transport Leader at Arup.

Tom Kennedy
Americas Aviation Leader
Tom Kennedy is a Principal and Americas Aviation Leader in Arup’s New York office.

Joseph Sweet
Australasia Aviation Leader
Based in Singapore, Joseph leads our Aviation Business across the Australasia region helping our clients address industry challenges such as developing airport assets, optimising operations and achieving sustainable outcomes.

Jin Fan
East Asia Aviation Leader
Jin Fan is an Associate Director with the Aviation group at Arup. She is currently located in Hong Kong, leading on aviation business development in East Asia.

Conor Hoey
Europe Aviation Leader
Conor Hoey has over two decades of experience in the aviation industry. As Europe Aviation Business Leader, he drives the growth and development of Arup's Aviation business in Europe.

Alan Newbold
UKIMEA Aviation Leader
Alan is a Director and the Aviation Leader for the UK, India, Middle East and Africa regions. He is also the Global Digital Aviation Leader for Arup.