Susan Lamont
Arup Fellow
- Global and UKIMEA Fire Safety Engineering Leader
Susan is a chartered fire engineer, Global Fire Engineering skills leader for Arup, Fellow of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, and a member of the Board of Trustees for the Fire Protection Research Foundation.
She has over 20 years of experience in fire safety across the built environment in the UK, USA, Middle East and Africa and regularly collaborates with Arup's global team of over 300 fire safety consultants on a host of topics.
Over the course of the last 10 years, she has delivered fire safety solutions from inception to operation across multiple aviation projects for new and existing terminals in the Middle East. In recent years, she has led project teams in the delivery of building codes and fire safety codes of practice.
Susan is passionate about helping Arup deliver on sustainability without reducing fire safety by addressing safety challenges associated with mass timber, alternative energy sources, green facades and integrated photo voltaic panels, which are a focus for the research at Arup University.