Mark Wallace
- East Asia Tunnel Design and Ventilation Leader
Mark is a director at Arup with over 30 years experience in project management, site formation, ground and project risks, underground space, geotechnical design, engineering geology and tunnelling related work.
He has carried out complex projects management on various infrastructure projects from large scale MTR and Hong Kong government projects, major ADB infrastructure projects to smaller local private and regional scale projects and studies.
Mark has led various complex project design initiatives for concept stage pre-feasibility and deasibility studies as well as detailed design / reference designs and contractors designs for a range of large-scale civil engineering projects in Hong Kong, Philippines, South Korea, mainland China and East Asia. He has used his observational training to review alternatives, assess the risks and choices for clients. His wealth of experience across a wide range of civil engineering disciplines allows him to quickly target and advise on the most appropriate solutions for his clients.