Malcolm Turpin
- Global and UKIMEA Structural Engineering Leader
Malcolm Turpin is a Director and structural engineer experienced in leading the design and delivery of quality buildings with a high degree of architectural collaboration and site complexity.
He has worked with a number of leading architecture practices on the design of award winning and iconic modern buildings.
Malcolm has led the structural design for a wide range of building types from the masterplanning design of major sites to the design and delivery of individual buildings, with a mix of new-build and refurbishment. Recent projects have included residential, healthcare, science and industry buildings.
His approach is driven by identifying and challenging design constraints, providing rational optimised solutions, innovating when appropriate, and resolving complexity. Malcolm believes this approach leads to an effective balance between design quality and value.
He is currently engaged with the developing new ways of working to take advantage of the increasing digitisation of design and construction, from BIM and data management to automation and coding.