We align our work and our business with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5 - Gender Equality, 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth and 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions which seek to end modern slavery and human trafficking. Our Ethical Conduct Policy and our Business Integrity Code of Practice act in support of this Policy. 

  • Strive for fair and honourable dealings throughout our supply chain and operations. 
  • Raise awareness of modern slavery and how it may manifest in our supply chain. 
We will
  • Perform due diligence on our supply chain in line with risk profiling. 
  • Provide members with guidance, education and training. 
  • Provide mechanisms for concerns related to modern day slavery to be reported. 
  • Report on our activities and the effectiveness of our measures in an annual Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement. 

This policy is set by the Group Board and implemented across all Arup operations through rules, procedures, training and guidance. It is reviewed and approved annually, or more frequently if appropriate.

The Group Board acts to ensure that the aims set out in this policy are being achieved, while fulfilling applicable legal, regulatory, and other requirements. 


Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy